Blue Moon Ice Cream Flavors. Blue Moon Flavor MWNI 28-85-0275C Usage. Many confuse equally-blue Smurf ice cream with Blue Moon but the two flavors have a key difference.
Even if Blue Moon ice cream really does have beaver butt juice in it you may be able to recreate the ice cream at home sans castoreum. The flavor is also sometimes advertised as tasting like fruity cereal. Photo by Bill McChesney via Wikipedia.
House of Flavors claims to be the first to have created Blue Moon ice cream for sale.
The distinctive flavor and is made with a combination of artificial raspberry flavoring lemon extract and vanilla extract. Photo by Bill McChesney via Wikipedia. The distinctive flavor and is made with a combination of artificial raspberry flavoring lemon extract and vanilla extract. Blue moon ice cream is a unique ice cream flavor typically found in the Upper Midwest portion of the United States.